Nic AG
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What Top Level Domains (TLDs) does Nic AG offer for registration?

Nic AG offers the following top and secondary level domains:

The following domains can be registered by anyone from anywhere in the world: .ag,,, The following domains are restricted to qualified Antiguan organizations:,


For second level domain names under .AG or third-level domain names under COM.AG, ORG.AG, NET.AG, EDU.AG, GOV.AG insert the name of the domain you wish to register, for example, ABC.AG. The total length of the two-part name may be up to 63 characters. The only characters allowed in a domain name are letters, digits and the dash (-). A domain name cannot begin or end with a dash. Briefly:

  • .AG is for any person or organization worldwide
  • COM.AG is for commercial, for-profit organizations worldwide
  • ORG.AG is for miscellaneous usually non-profit organizations worldwide
  • NET.AG is usually for network infrastructure machines and organizations worldwide
  • CO.AG is usually for commercial, for-profit organizations worldwide
  • NOM.AG is usually for individuals but also can be used by commercial, for-profit organizations worldwide
  • EDU.AG is reserved for Antigua & Barbuda educational institutions only
  • GOV.AG is reserved for Antigua & Barbuda government agencies only

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