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Article How do I transfer a domain name from one Registrant to another?
A domain name transfer between registrants usually involves the written authorization from the...
Views: 27691
Article How do I transfer a domain name from one Registrar to another?
To transfer a domain name from one registrar to another, you will need the AUTH CODE for the...
Views: 18276
Article My domain name has a Transfer Prohibited status and cannot be transferred
A Transfer Prohibited Status can either be automatically added by the Registry based upon the...
Views: 6715
Article Transfer Fees
There are currently no fees charged by the Registry or by Nic AG Registrar for either a Registrar...
Views: 3113
Article What is a transfer?
A domain name can be moved from one Registrar to another. This is termed a domain name transfer....
Views: 3113
Article What is an AUTH CODE or AUTH INFO CODE?
Each domain name is required to have an alphanumeric (letters and numbers) password type code...
Views: 19003


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